Saturday, September 5, 2009

What Youth THink About Trail of Hope

I posted a question on facebook so that my friends would express how they see Trail of Hope and here are the responses

Tendai Sean Joe in your mind,describe Trail of Hope as you understand it.If it was a person ,how old would it be?If it was music ,what type it would be?If it was a picture how would it look like? If it was a country,where would it be?Get creative and write what you think..............

Wed at 2:09pm ·

Walter Skwed Mabunda
Uplifting.. N if it a country its mos def south africa wit da Gods window view n da table möuntain in da oposite..

Wed at 2:15pm · Delete
Oama Nokatyana

21yrs, deep house, south africa, a beautfl pic lyk beyonce z!

Wed at 2:24pm · Delete

Alice Pfute

If it was a person: hard worker, inspire, motivated, driven by passion, big/good hearted and an achiever. If it was music i'd say, gospel/ soul music. Why? It touches lives and changes it 4 the better. It gives hope and undestanding to life. Opens one's eyes to view life 4rm a diff perspective view. It has a massage that it is preaching. If i was a pic: i'd say a pic that draw my attension, touch heart and uplift my soul. It would be in Africa.

Wed at 2:24pm · Delete
Marceline Mutikori

Marceline Mutikori
if it was a person it would be btwn 21-30,cos its prepared to take a risk ,full of life , inspiring, undetered and focused on the positives never dewels on the lil stumbling blocks, if it was a country it would be without borders as its open to all children regardless of their origin, i bet the views will be serel beyond anyone's imagination and finally music it would just bring joy, hope, determination,and peace to anyone who hears it.(P.D.R) PRIDE ,DETERMINATION,RESILIENCE!

Wed at 3:10pm · Delete

Portia Rahaba Gobuapelo

If it was a country i wud say SA, mpumalanga @ Godwindow,its peaceful,4eva green. If it was a person i wud paint a mother/women with her hands open coz she undastands pain, sorrow, she lovs unconditional, warm heart n her smile gves asurity n security. If it was music it wud say oprah, it cums 4 the soul and if it was u,i wud say determination,lov, loyalty,perseverance, honesty n integrity

Wed at 3:46pm · Delete

Vimbai Mazorodze
If it was a person:some1 with a very big heart,motivator,inspirer,up lifter n a very gud role bit of almost everything that has got a strong msg n inspirational,most importantly,something i can listen 2 n make me wanna c wat 2moro has 2 offer.picture:something that i cn luk at n say waal u reall came this far,it must have of lite n ful of anywhere in the world,bt mostly in africa(charity begins @ home)

Wed at 6:25pm · Delete

Tendai Sean Joe
this is powerftul!
Thu at 6:51am · Delete

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